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Posted on 08/07/2022 in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Trends - Sustainability & Personalisation

Digital Marketing Trends - Sustainability & Personalisation

Digital Marketing Trends 2022 Part 3

Sustainability & Personalisation

When it comes to digital marketing, it can be difficult to keep on top of the latest trends. New ones are consistently emerging and can take a while to wrap your head around. Sustainability and personalisation are not new trends, but they continue to become more important every day. Sustainability has become increasingly important as more people become eco-conscious consumers, and personalisation in digital marketing is no longer a “nice to have,” but a basic requirement.


As the world moves into a more environmentally conscious mindset, digital marketing has had to follow suit, with sustainability emerging as a key trend in recent years. Sustainable digital marketing can be seen as all the ways to sustainably and ethically promote an eco-conscious business online. Using sustainable digital marketing can bring a raft of key benefits to the business using it. These benefits include:

The benefits for the planet - reducing carbon footprint, lowering energy usage, and eliminating pollution by using digital platforms for marketing, utilizing virtual events over in-person ones, or being able to effectively show sustainability efforts vs. simply talking about them.

Drawing in younger generations - Millennials and Gen Zers lead the sustainability movement and have no plans to back down from establishing a greener planet.

The longevity of your business can increase - with sustainability continuing to grow in popularity, running a sustainable marketing strategy can help you to connect with current and potential customers through shared values.


Personalisation in digital marketing has now become a necessity in today's increasingly competitive and unpredictable marketplace. Personalisation involves shaping customer experiences and content for individuals or persona groups in real-time. Relying heavily on data, personalisation can help marketers to cut through the noise while improving customer satisfaction and profitability. It has also become an expected experience, with customers preferring brands that feel like they listen to them, understand them, and pay attention to their specific wants and needs as fully rounded individuals. According to RMIT “Digital marketing teams that excel at personalisation can generate 40% more revenue than their less advanced counterparts.”

Keeping on top of the latest trends in digital marketing can be very difficult. But, to succeed in digital marketing, either as a job or as a brand using it as a channel to communicate with potential customers, it’s necessary to stay on top. Using Digital Marketing Directory, you will be able to find the right agency for your business to take advantage of these new trends entering the market.

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