www.digitalmarketingdirectory.com.au - Digital Marketing Directory - Australia
Posted By Digital Marketing Directory on 10/06/2022

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Breaking Down Digital Marketing 

Part 4 of 4

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing (SMM) is the process of creating content for a social media platform that a business will use for promoting its products and/or services, building a community with its target audience, and driving traffic to its business. The content used can include posts, images, videos and blogs. Some of the popular social media sites include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Reddit, and Snapchat.

Every platform has its own unique set of guidelines for posting content and can bring with them its own strengths and weaknesses, requiring a unique approach and strategy for each platform. A blog post may be ideal for one platform, whereas on another, a simple image may reach and engage a much wider audience. Because of this, an important part of a SMM strategy is to identify the target audience and create content accordingly.

Some of the most beneficial reasons to utilise SMM include building brand awareness, generating leads and boosting conversions, building and fostering relationships with customers, and researching and learning from competitors.

A basic social media strategy will generally include the following steps:

  1. Research your buyer personas and audience.
  2. Determine which social platforms you’ll market on.
  3. Establish your most important metrics and KPIs.
  4. Get to know your competition.
  5. Create unique and engaging content.
  6. Organize a schedule for your posts.

Once the SMM strategy and campaign have been launched, keeping track of the social media metrics will help to determine whether or not it has been successful. Examples of these metrics include engagement, reach, followers, impressions, video views, profile visits, mentions, tags reposts and shares.

With social media marketing now an integral part of any modern-day digital campaign, finding the right fit for your business is crucial. Digital Marketing Directory is able to guide business owners through the maze of digital marketing agencies, freelancers and service providers to find the right provider for your social media marketing needs.

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