www.digitalmarketingdirectory.com.au - Digital Marketing Directory - Australia
Posted By Digital Marketing Directory on 27/05/2022

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Breaking Down Digital Marketing 

Part 2 of 4


Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of making your website easily findable, more relevant, and popular for users’ queries on popular search engines such as Google and Bing. To achieve this popularity, search engines recommend including the use of relevant keywords in titles, meta descriptions and schema markup (a code that you place on your website to help the search engines return more informative results for users).

SEO is often grouped into three different categories: On-page SEO, Off-page SEO and Technical SEO.

On-page SEO is optimising a webpage to target a specific search query and rank high on search engines, and generally involves activities like keyword research, content creation, and keyword optimization.

Off-page SEO is used to build the reputation of a webpage by linking it with other quality websites, helping search engines to trust the content on the site as well as increasing the reputation and reliability of the web page.

Technical SEO is about creating a strong user experience on the website, with upgrades such as adding mobile-friendliness, increasing site speed, adding indexation and improving crawlability (where search engine ‘crawlers’ can read and follow links in your site’s content).

Here are nine steps that can be used to create a successful SEO strategy:

  1. Creating a list of keywords

  2. Analysing different search engines' first pages

  3. Look to create something different from the pack

  4. Add a hook

  5. Devise your content strategy

  6. Optimise for on-page SEO

  7. Optimise for search intent

  8. Focus on content design

  9. Aiming to continuously improve and update content

With search engines generally being the first step someone will take when looking for a product or service, SEO has now become one of the most important steps a business can take to stand out from the pack. With Digital Marketing Directory, you are able to search through a list of Australian agencies specialising in SEO to help you with any of your needs. 

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