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Posted By Digital Marketing Directory on 01/07/2022

Digital Marketing Trends - Simple Content and Social Commerce

Digital Marketing Trends - Simple Content and Social Commerce

The Return to Simple Content and Social Commerce 

Digital marketing is a constantly evolving marketing method, with new trends and techniques always on the horizon. With this constant change, digital marketing can seem overwhelming. But in 2022, we have seen a bit of a reversal, with a return to simple content becoming a trend. Social commerce also is continually rising, with social media becoming more ingrained into society every day.

A Return to Simple Content

As digital marketing evolves and progresses, the digital space can feel flooded with information leaving a consumer overwhelmed. To combat this, simple content has returned, giving consumers concise and straightforward information to help build brand awareness. Search engine pages such as Google are also aiming to create ease for their customers, so using simple content can help it rank higher in search engine result pages and be SEO-friendly.

Once the right messaging is crafted, it should be cohesive throughout all social-media sites, websites, email marketing and the media.

Social Commerce

Social commerce is a specialist form of eCommerce, where brands will be using social media to sell their goods and services instead of relying on a stand-alone eCommerce platform. It can also include the sales of products promoted on social media that link to a stand-alone eCommerce store similar to social media marketing. Social commerce pops up across Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Etsy, Pinterest, Reddit and many, many more. Social commerce originally began with a simple text-based focus, but over time it has now evolved towards mobile, image and video content.

Social commerce is also growing fast, three-time faster than traditional eCommerce, and is expected to reach $1.2 trillion globally by 2025, according to an Accenture study, with nearly two-thirds of social media users making a social commerce purchase in 2021, which Accenture estimates to reflect nearly 2 billion social buyers globally.

Keeping on top of the latest trends in digital marketing can be very difficult. Using Digital Marketing Directory, you will be able to find the right agency for your business to take advantage of these new trends entering the market.

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